Veganarchism: Against All Oppression, Everywhere, All the Time

Regular price $ 5.00

by Nathan Poirier

Active Distribution

1/2025, booklet

SKU: 9781914567513


This book’s central thesis is simple: Veganism and anarchism are, and should always be thought of as, the exact same thing. Not just similar, or almost synonyms, or parallel movements.


From the author:

"This short book presents my view of veganarchism. It is not necessarily “right” any more than any other conception of veganarchism could be considered correct. In fact, this book spends a good amount of time discussing other works I see as portraits of veganarchism(s). All are equally legitimate and there is much more room for others. The texts I discuss are where I got my primary inspiration to write my, this, version of veganarchism. In this vein, my laying out of (a) veganarchism is not and cannot be “right,” but I may be off the mark in more than one location. Where people suspect or see such a straying from the path, I welcome dialogue and supportive critique so that we might walk the veganarchic path together, even if our paths never meet or even lead in different directions."