by Isabella Rotman, Illustrated by Luke Howard
Limerence Press
10/27/2020, paperback
SKU: 9781620107942
A quick, easy and important educational illustrated guide to giving and receiving consent in sex, relationships, and other physical contact.
How do you tell someone you want to do stuff with them? How do you ask if they want to do stuff with you? How do you know what stuff you want to do with each other? Enter: Sargeant Yes Means Yes from the Consent Cavalry, a beacon of clarity in a fuzzy minefield of questions. Sarge drops in on a diverse range of folks deciding whether to engage in sexual activity in this short and fun comic guide to communicating what you want, don't want, and how you want it!
With wit and charm, Sarge also includes tips on what affirmative consent looks like, advocating for what you want, and setting boundaries that honor your comfort and safety. The result is a positive resource illustrating how easy it really is to respect each other's bodies and desires.
"It's rare to see such a loving guide to affirmative consent that is both entertaining and full of empathy and patience."--Archie Bongiovanni, A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns
"Accessible and inclusive to all genders, sexualities, and levels of comfort with sexual activity."-- "Foreword Reviews
About the Contributors:
Isabella is a cartoonist and illustrator from Maine, living and drawing in Chicago. Her art is usually about the ocean, mermaids, crushing loneliness, people in the woods, or sex. Isabella is the author of You're So Sexy When You Aren't Transmitting STIs and Not On My Watch; The Bystanders' Handbook for the Prevention of Sexual Violence. Isabella is the co-author and illustrator of Wait, What?; A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up. Isabella has been Artist in Residence at Scarleteen since 2013.
Luke is an illustrator, cartoonist and printmaker living in beautiful, sleepy, swampy New Orleans, Louisiana. When he's not coloring graphic novels, he makes sci-fi comics about feelings, and an autobiographical zine called Abandon Ship. He's been screenprinting artwork for over 10 years, and spends way too much time fussing with ornery Risograph copiers and greasy offset presses. He loves self-publishing, and has helped organize the New Orleans Comics & Zine Fest (NOCAZ) since 2016. If he's not working, tinkering or organizing, he's probably playing D&D with his friends.