by Creative Interventions
AK Press
12/5/2021, paperback
SKU: 9781849354646
The Creative Interventions Toolkit is a practical guide to community-based interventions to interpersonal violence, a process also known as community accountability or transformative justice. It is written for everyday people: survivors, people who caused harm, and friends or family who want to help without turning to the police or state services. Community-based interventions build on friendships, family connections, and caring relationships rather than policing and punishment. While friends and family are often the “first responders” to violence, many have lost basic tools to end and prevent violence. The Creative Interventions Toolkit aims to rebuild these skills and offer models that can help us with safety, accountability, and community self-determination.
"The Creative Interventions Toolkit is one of the clearest and most practical resources to build transformative justice and community accountability skills that our movements have...If you want to deepen your practice, through one resource, start here." --Ejeris Dixon, Co-editor of Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement
"The CI Toolkit is my go-to reference whenever I begin a new community accountability intervention. I've often remarked that it is the Bible for most facilitators I know." --Mariame Kaba, author of We Do This 'Til We Free Us
About the Author:
Creative Interventions is a resource center to create and promote community-based interventions to interpersonal violence (sexual, domestic, and family violence/child abuse). Also known as community accountability or transformative justice, this approach centers survivors of violence and mobilizes those closest to violence including friends and family and, in some cases, the person or people who caused harm to create solutions to violence. By relying upon community connection and care rather than policing and punishment, violence can be confronted, stopped, and transformed where it starts - in our homes, our streets, and our neighborhoods.