by Vincent Copeland
Burning Books
10/9/23, staple-bound
SKU: 685457625664
A brand new reprint brought to you by Burning Books!
"This is the story of two important victories that were won, first by the Black workers, and then by the white and Black workers together, in the Bethlehem Steel Company's Lackawanna plant..."
The Blast Furnace Brothers is a dramatic retelling of two labor victories at a Buffalo steel plant - the Bethlehem Steel Lackawanna plant. Copeland has changed the names of the involved workers to protect their identities from their bosses at the time, and uses the story to convince the reader "of the great importance of white workers taking the initiative - among the whites - in fighting for Black-white unity in the struggle to improve the conditions of all workers."
A very cool piece of Buffalo Labor history!
Originally printed in 1973 by the Center for Labor Action.