Against Urbanism

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by Franco La Cecla and translated by Mairin O'Mahony

PM Press

1/15/2020, paperback

SKU: 9781629632353


After demolishing the myth of the rock star architect with his book Against Architecture, Franco La Cecla now explores the decisive challenges that cities are going to have to confront in the near future. Urban planning and development has become increasingly inadequate in response to the daily realities of life in our cities. Human, economic, ethnic, and environmental factors are systematically overlooked in city planning and housing development, and anachronistic, sterile, and formalistic architecture almost invariably prevails. Never more than today has democracy played itself out in public spaces, sidewalks, and streets. Urban planners and developers, however, are still prisoners of an obsolete vision of passivity which betrays actual city needs and demands. A new urban science is required which can, first of all, guarantee a civil, dignified life for all--urban development which ensures the right to a humane mode of daily living, which has been and still is completely ignored.


"La Cecla's tract against urbanism is a euology for the city." --Renzo Piano

About the authors:

Born in Palermo in 1950, Franco La Cecla is a renowned anthropologist and architect. He has taught anthropology in many European cities including Palermo, Paris, and Barcelona. He has worked as a consultant for the Renzo Piano Building Workshop and for Barcelona Regional. He founded the Architecture Social Impact Assessment, an agency that evaluates the social impact of architectural and city planning projects. His book Against Architecture is an international bestseller.

Mairin O'Mahony was born in London where she worked as an editor for 13 years before moving to San Francisco. Her experience includes a wide variety of copywriting on subjects ranging from agriculture to finance to travel. She divides her time between San Francisco and Italy.