María del Carmen Ariet-García is a leading researcher on the life and works of Che Guevara. She is the research coordinator of the Che Guevara Studies Center (Havana), which is headed by Che's widow, Aleida March. María del Carmen led the socio-historical investigation that ultimately succeeded in finding Che Guevara's remains in Bolivia in 1997, thirty years after his assassination.

by Ernesto Che Guevara, edited by David Deutschmann and Maria del Carmen Ariet Garcia
Seven Stories Press
06/21/2022, paperback
SKU: 9781644211120
Widely revered as a true revolutionary, this collection of writings from Ernesto Che Guevara highlight his principled politics and praxis in the fight against capitalism and US imperialism. Incisive speeches, critical essays, and personal letters not only serve as a primer of the Cuban revolutionary movement, but also analyze the importance of practicing international solidarity, reflect on violent resistance, and explicate the dangerous failures of capitalism.
Accompanied by an extensive bibliography of Guevara's writing, a timeline of his life, and an all-encompassing glossary of individuals, organizations, and publications, The Che Guevara Reader provides insights into the historical, political, and cultural context for Guevara's radicalization. From some of his most famous speeches such as "Create Two, Three, Many Vietnams" to intimate, personal letters addressed to comrades around the world and his own children, this book extends Che's legacy and paints a stunning picture of a revolutionary struggling for a better world.
"Deep inside the T-shirt where we have tried to trap him, the eyes of Che Guevara are still burning with impatience." -- Ariel Dorfman, activist and author of How to Read Donald Duck
About the Contributors:
Ernesto Che Guevara was profoundly radicalized when, as a young doctor traversing Latin America for the second time, a journey he later describes in Latin America Diaries/Otra Vez, he witnessed first the Bolivian Revolution, and then, in Guatemala, the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Jacobo Árbenz by U.S.-backed forces. After escaping to Mexico, Guevara met up with a group of Cuban revolutionaries exiled in Mexico City led by Fidel Castro. After General Batista fled Cuba in 1959, Che became one of the key leaders of the new revolutionary government. He is also the most important representative of the Cuban Revolution internationally, heading numerous delegations and earning a reputation as a passionate and articulate spokesperson for Third World peoples. He was captured in Bolivia by U.S.-trained counterinsurgency forces on October 8, 1967, and murdered in cold blood the next day. His Bolivian diaries were later edited and published as The Bolivian Diary/El Diario de Che en Bolivia. Che's other works include Reminisces of the Cuban Revolutionary War/Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria, I embrace you with all my revolutionary fervor/Te abraza con todo fervor revolucionario, and The Motorcycle Diaries/Diarios de Motocicleta.
David Deutschmann is an Australian author and editor who's recent work includes The Fidel Castro Reader.