by Dubside and Mike Africa Jr.
2020, paperback
SKU: 9781935911487
In the early 1970s we staged public protests against injustice, oppression, and disrespect for any form of Life.
In the mid 1970s we endured repeated police brutality, with pregnant women often beaten into miscarriages.
In 1977 we stood in our yard with weapons to notify the police we would defend ourselves if they continued to beat and harass us.
In 1978 hundreds of cops attacked our house. They broke down our fence, smashed out our windows, and used deluge guns to try to floor us out of our basement. Then they fired hundreds of gunshots into the basement and nine of us were convicted of murder and given 30-100 year prison sentences.
In 1985 the police dropped a bomb on our house. The bomb started a fire, which city officials deliberately let burn, destroying an entire block of 61 homes, and killing eleven of us, including five of our children.
All this happened in the United States of America, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
We are the MOVE Organization.
Today we continue to speak out against injustice, oppression, and disrespect for any form of Life, as we have been doing for half a century.