Kites Publications
2021, paperback
SKU: n/a
In this issue:
- “There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth ...Than Are Dreamt of in Your Philosophy” (issue #5-6 editorial) by the kites editorial committee
- Chairman Gonzalo’s Legacy of Steadfast Revolutionary Principle and Strategic Innovations by the kites editorial committee
- Abolish grifterism by the kites editorial committee
- “Banish pessimism and defeatism”: An Interview with Umberto Corti of the Central Committee of the (new) Italian Communist Party (Part 2 of On Granite Conviction: revolutionary communism in italy today) by the kites editorial committee
- Chronicles of the struggling and dispossessed: An investigation into the other side Canada by Jorge, Maggie, and Arthur
- Code Blue: The Living Nightmare of Healthcare Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic by a kites reader
- Everything Changed/Nothing Changed: Minneapolis a year after the rebellion
by kites readers - Queensbridge Projects and the nycha-mare of disrepair and neglect
by kites readers - “Kick, Push,” but Don’t “Coast”: Skateboarders and the 2020 Summer Rebellion
by conrad drexel - Lessons from Beyond the Grave: A Case Study of Opportunism and a Summation of Efforts by Renters Together in Lawrence, Kansas by akio
- Revolution has vanished, replaced with fantasies of dual power, counterpower, “base areas,” abolition, and other “bottom-up” bourgeois-democratic illusions
by kenny lake
About the Publisher:
kites is a journal of communist theory and strategy for revolution focused on North America. It emerged in 2020 from the initiative of two organizations: Revolutionary Initiative (RI) in Canada and the Organization of Communist Revolutionaries (OCR) in the US. Its Editorial Committee is composed of a few communist revolutionaries from across North America, and operates as an independent entity.
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