by Matt Miner, Pencils and Inks by Javier Sanchez Aranda, Colors by Joaquin Pereyra
Black Mask Studios
2014, paperback
SKU: 9781628750089
Animal cruelty is the most pervasive form of torture in the modern world. The heroes who fight it don’t wear capes, they wear ski-masks.
Whether it’s vicious dog-fighting clubs or senseless lab experiments force-feeding oven cleaners to monkeys, Jeanette Francis and Damon Guerrero have had enough. Using any and all means available to them, Jeanette and Damon not only rescue the animals but also avenge them – delivering harsh retribution to the animals’ captors and tormentors.
A hard-edged vigilante series about two young heroes who avenge the torture of animals, created by writer and real-life dog rescuer Matt Miner (Occupy Comics) with art by Javier Sanchez Aranda (Star Trek: The Next Generation). Covers by Chris Burnham (Batman Incorporated), Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash), Yildiray Cinar (Earth 2), and Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night).
Rated T+.
This Collection has issues 1-4 of the Liberator series and includes new Liberator stories.
*30% of Liberator profits will go to animal rescue initiatives.*
“A really cool, progressive story about young outcast crusaders.” -Scott Snyder (Batman, American Vampire, Superman Unchained)
“DEBUT OF THE YEAR… It has an infectious energy, a bold purpose, and will speak to many… I think Liberator strikes for the core of the movement and will resonate with a far wider audience than anything more explicit or shocking. This ain’t PETA, it’s far too considered and powerful for that… I’d say this is pretty unmissable.” - Comics Beat (Laura Sneddon)
“This comic really, really doesn’t screw around.” - NY Post (William Vitka)
“Unlike any comic book project to date, Miner delivers a message about the world of animal abuse from the point-of-view of someone with expert knowledge on the matter, while blending it with a gritty protagonist in the vein of Batman or The Punisher.” - ComicBooked (David Gillette)
“Liberator is a fiercely strong, clever book that refuses to preach and takes great pains to explore it’s central issue. Make no mistake, it’s fiercely pro-Animal Rights and Animal Liberation but Miner is far too smart to use the book as a bully pulpit. Instead, he uses it to explore one man’s character and what defines it, from the people he’s with to the work he does and the past he seems to be running from. Not quite a superhero book, not quite a crime one but combining the best elements of both, Liberator is another strong release from Black Mask.” - Bleeding Cool (Alasdair Stuart)