by Raleigh Briggs
Microcosm Publishing
2009, paperback
SKU: 9780978866563
Raleigh Briggs teaches us how to craft a sustainable domestic life without relying on smelly, toxic, expensive consumer products. And it's not as hard as we may think! This hand written and drawn book of charming tutorials is both fun and accessible. It's full of simple skills that anyone can and should learn. From creating tinctures and salves to concocting all-natural cleaners and body products to gardening basics, this book is great for anyone looking to live more simply, create a comfortable nest, and truly do it yourself.
Chapters 1 and 2 of this book were originally distributed as zines, entitled Herbal First Aid and Nontoxic Housecleaning. Includes bibliographical references.
Raleigh Briggs is an herbalist, potion maker, DIY homemaker, and the author of Herbal First Aid, How to Make Soap, and Nontoxic Housecleaning. She lives in Seattle.