Edited by John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev
The New Abolitionists
2005, paperback
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Race Traitor calls itself a journal of the New Abolitionism. Its motto is "Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity." The journal takes its stand on two points: first, that the "white race" is not a natural but a social category; second, that what was historically constructed can be undone. The first of these points is now widely accepted; scientists have concluded that there are no biological standards for distinguishing one "race" from another, and social scientists have begun to examine how race was constructed and how it is reproduced. The "social construction of race" has become something of a catch-phrase in the academy. However, few have taken the next step: indeed one might say that up to now the philosophers have merely interpreted the white race; the point, however, is to abolish it.
- Relative Humanity: The Fundamental Obstacle to a Secular Democratic State Solution by Omar Barghouti
- The One-State Solution in Historical Perspective by Ilan Pappe
- US Policy and the Single State in Palestine/Israel by Naseer H. Aruri
- Why Secular Democracy? by Eli Aminov
- The Binational Solution for the Israeli Palestinian Crisis: A Realistic Solution by As’ad Ghanem
- Binationalism or a National State? A Response to As’ad Ghanem from Adam Sabra
- The Right of Return and the Unitary State in Israel/Palestine by Ghada Karmi
- Russians in the Holy Land by Israel Shamir