Songbird, Fly

Regular price $ 12.00

by Christopher Burns, Illustrated by Stephanie McMillan

Forward Spiral

4/17/2017, staple-bound paperback

SKU: 9780991604739


Samantha the songbird escapes her cage and discovers a beautiful world where everyone is free, and the activities of each contribute to the good of all.

But this world is in danger from those who wish to take what doesn’t belong to them. Samantha talks with a spider, a bear, and others who inspire her to take a stand to protect her new home.

The story’s important message is presented in appealing rhyme, accompanied by charming illustrations. Songbird, Fly! is a story that both children and adults will love revisiting again and again.

Target age: 0 to 5

About the Authors:

Christopher Burns, a truck driver, and Stephanie McMillan, a cartoonist/writer, share a passion for the struggle against exploitation. McMillan is also the author of Capitalism Must Die! and The Beginning of the American Fall. Burns and McMillan live, love, and create together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.