by Torkil Lauesen, translated by Gabriel Kuhn, introduction by Zak Cope
Kersplebdeb Publishing
05/16/2016, paperback
SKU: 9781894946933
In the 1970s and 80s, Torkil Lauesen was a member of a clandestine communist cell which carried out a series of robberies in Denmark, netting very large sums which were then sent on to various national liberation movements in the Third World. Following their capture in 1989, Torkil would spend six years in prison. In 2016, Lauesen's book Det Globale Perspektiv was released in Denmark. In it, he explains how he sees the world political situation today, and his thoughts about the future. In 2018, Kersplebedeb Publishing was pleased to release the English language edition of this book, translated by Gabriel Kuhn, and with a Preface by Dr. Zak Cope.
As Lauesen details, we today live in a world of massive and unprecedented inequality. Never before has humanity been so starkly divided between the "haves" and the "have nots". Never before has the global situation been accelerating so quickly. The Third World national liberation movements of the 20th century very much triggered the liberatory movements that did manage to emerge in the First World, and seemed for an all-too-brief moment to point to an escape hatch from history's downward spiral... but for many today that all seems like ancient history.
The Global Perspective bridges the gap between Third Worldist theory, and the question of "What Is To Be Done?" in a First World context. It is an important contribution towards developing an effective political practice based on the realities of the global situation, avoiding the pitfalls of sugarcoating the situation with the First World populations, or of falling into pessimistic quietism. It bridges the gap not only between generations, but also between theory and practice. As Lauesen says, "It is a book written by an activist, for activists. Global capitalism is heading into a deep structural crisis in the coming decades, so the objective conditions for radical change will be present, for better or for worse. The outcome will depend on us, the subjective forces."
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