by Emily Hunter
Conari Press
SKU: 9781573244862
Peter Hammarstedt and Benjamin Potts of Sea Shepherd fame and co-stars of television’s Whale Wars. Enei Begaye, a Navajo/Diné activist bringing green jobs to the reservation. Rob Stewart, award-winning filmmaker of Sharkwater. Jamie Henn, co-founder of 350.org. Wen Bo, founder of China’s Greenpeace. Tanya Fields, an urban farmer and poor people’s activist in New York City. Meet the 21st century eco-activists who are devoting themselves to saving our planet. The Next Eco-Warriors features the stories of 22 of these emerging leaders and their heroic work in a variety of green revolutions.
Emily Hunter, daughter of Greenpeace co-founders Robert and Bobbi Hunter, introduces us to the feisty and diverse global community of young people who are tackling issues of energy use, overfishing, overconsumption, waste management, the disappearance of indigenous cultures and rainforest, and other urgent environmental/social concerns with a sense of passion and possibility.
Together their message is clear: anyone can be an eco-warrior if they use their talents for change.
Emily Hunter, daughter of Greenpeace co-founders Robert and Bobbi Hunter, has worked with numerous environmental campaigns, including savings whales in the Antarctic Ocean and protecting indigenous species of the Galapagos Islands. She is the environmental correspondent for MTV News Canada and climate producer for The Real News Network in Washington.
"This book will break your heart, then inspire you, and hopefully move you into looking at how you can use your life to make a positive difference for the Planet and all the life it sustains--now and for future generations." -Julia Butterfly Hill
"Seeing all these brilliant activists and reading about the work they are doing on so many fronts has had an enormous impact on me. Together, their stories make this abundantly clear: No matter what your passion or calling, no matter your resources or circumstances, you can get out there and DO SOMETHING to effect change. So, what are you waiting for? Do something to save our planet. Now!" -John Robbins, author of The Food Revolution and The New Good Life