by Sophie Yanow
Uncivilized Books
SKU: 9780984681488
An American artist witnesses the Quebec spring 2012 student strike on the streets of Montreal. The brutal police response and their violent tactics trigger an exploration of urban planning and its hidden connections to military strategies. Marshal Bugeaud's urban warfare tactics in Algeria, Haussmann's plan for Paris, planning and repression in the New World; theory and personal experience collide into an ambitious and poetic memoir presented in graphic novel form.
"With deft sketches and minimal text, she shows how the streets of a city can simultaneously foster and crush social change, and how urban humans cling to personal freedom in an increasingly monitored world."--Sarah Goodyear, The Atlantic Cities
"A fascinating meeting of urban design, activism and theory of the control of the masses."--Julien Morissette, Radio-Canada/CBC
About the Author:
Sophie Yanow grew up in the woods just north of San Francisco, and in Fall 2011 moved to Montreal, Quebec for an artist residency at La Maison de la Bande Dessinée, where she became a member of the Colosse comics collective. With Colosse she published a collection of journal comics recording her transition to Montreal under the title In Situ, a nod to site-specificity in her creative process. In Montreal she has also participated in projects such as the the 48 Heures de la Bande Dessinée, the strike related online Manif de Bonhommes, and La Hausse en Question strike zine. Her work has also appeared online in places like Top Shelf Comix and The Rumpus.